I have had a task to implement Radio Select field with "Other" choice field in a Django Model Form. Here is my implementation in case someone would benefit from it. The idea is to have it all stored to Django's CharField type of data and have a preselected set of fields. We have a model:
That makes it ready for the set of fields for for our form. We are overriding Model form default field for this type of data (CharField) by intentionally specifying field with the same name.
Note the field.py import here. We are using custom form field here. It is a modified version of Django's
Here is the fields snippet:
It is based on the code from the snippet by sciyoshi. It is put here because there are some modifications to in inline with idea that things could easily disappear without a trace through the internet.
Anyway it will show something like this in the end:
# models.py class Entry(models.Model): SET_OF_CHOICES = ( ('choice1', 'choice1'), ('choice2', 'choice2'), ('choice3', 'choice3'), ('Other', 'Other Please Specify'), ) choice = models.CharField(_("Selected your choice"), max_length=250)
# forms.py from django.forms import ModelForm, ChoiceField, RadioSelect from models import Entry from fields import ChoiceWithOtherField class EntryForm(ModelForm): choice = ChoiceWithOtherField(label=_("Selected your choice"), choices=Entry.SET_OF_CHOICES)
Here is the fields snippet:
# fields.py from django import newforms as forms from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode class ChoiceWithOtherRenderer(forms.RadioSelect.renderer): """RadioFieldRenderer that renders its last choice with a placeholder.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ChoiceWithOtherRenderer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.choices, self.other = self.choices[:-1], self.choices[-1] def __iter__(self): for input in super(ChoiceWithOtherRenderer, self).__iter__(): yield input id = '%s_%s' % (self.attrs['id'], self.other[0]) if 'id' in self.attrs else '' label_for = ' for="%s"' % id if id else '' checked = '' if not force_unicode(self.other[0]) == self.value else 'checked="true" ' yield '<label%s><input type="radio" id="%s" value="%s" name="%s" %s/> %s</label> %%s' % ( label_for, id, self.other[0], self.name, checked, self.other[1]) class ChoiceWithOtherWidget(forms.MultiWidget): """MultiWidget for use with ChoiceWithOtherField.""" def __init__(self, choices): widgets = [ forms.RadioSelect(choices=choices, renderer=ChoiceWithOtherRenderer), forms.TextInput ] super(ChoiceWithOtherWidget, self).__init__(widgets) def decompress(self, value): if not value: return [None, None] return value def format_output(self, rendered_widgets): """Format the output by substituting the "other" choice into the first widget.""" return rendered_widgets[0] % rendered_widgets[1] class ChoiceWithOtherField(forms.MultiValueField): """ ChoiceField with an option for a user-submitted "other" value. The last item in the choices array passed to __init__ is expected to be a choice for "other". This field's cleaned data is a tuple consisting of the choice the user made, and the "other" field typed in if the choice made was the last one. >>> class AgeForm(forms.Form): ... age = ChoiceWithOtherField(choices=[ ... (0, '15-29'), ... (1, '30-44'), ... (2, '45-60'), ... (3, 'Other, please specify:') ... ]) ... >>> # rendered as a RadioSelect choice field whose last choice has a text input ... print AgeForm()['age'] <ul> <li><label for="id_age_0_0"><input type="radio" id="id_age_0_0" value="0" name="age_0" /> 15-29</label></li> <li><label for="id_age_0_1"><input type="radio" id="id_age_0_1" value="1" name="age_0" /> 30-44</label></li> <li><label for="id_age_0_2"><input type="radio" id="id_age_0_2" value="2" name="age_0" /> 45-60</label></li> <li><label for="id_age_0_3"><input type="radio" id="id_age_0_3" value="3" name="age_0" /> Other, please \\ specify:</label> <input type="text" name="age_1" id="id_age_1" /></li> </ul> >>> form = AgeForm({'age_0': 2}) >>> form.is_valid() True >>> form.cleaned_data {'age': (u'2', u'')} >>> form = AgeForm({'age_0': 3, 'age_1': 'I am 10 years old'}) >>> form.is_valid() True >>> form.cleaned_data {'age': (u'3', u'I am 10 years old')} >>> form = AgeForm({'age_0': 1, 'age_1': 'This is bogus text which is ignored since I didn\\\\'t pick "other"'}) >>> form.is_valid() True >>> form.cleaned_data {'age': (u'1', u'')} """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): fields = [ forms.ChoiceField(widget=forms.RadioSelect(renderer=ChoiceWithOtherRenderer), *args, **kwargs), forms.CharField(required=False) ] widget = ChoiceWithOtherWidget(choices=kwargs['choices']) kwargs.pop('choices') self._was_required = kwargs.pop('required', True) kwargs['required'] = False super(ChoiceWithOtherField, self).__init__(widget=widget, fields=fields, *args, **kwargs) def compress(self, value): if self._was_required and not value or value[0] in (None, ''): raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required']) if not value: return [None, u''] # Patch to override model specific other choice and return CharField value instead of choice tuple if value[0] == 'Other': return value[1] else: return value[0] # Use this for field to return tuple #return value[0], value[1] if force_unicode(value[0]) == force_unicode(self.fields[0].choices[-1][0]) else u''
Anyway it will show something like this in the end:
It's up to your imagination to style it now. Hope this howto helps someone with similar problem to save some time.
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ReplyDeletewhy did you use this from first screenshot?
ReplyDeletechoice = models.CharField(_("Selected your choice"), max_length=250)
It's a live example. I used it due to some task given to me.
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