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Showing posts from February, 2019

Running tasks with Celery on Heroku guide

An example project and a basic guide showing how to run Django/Celery on Heroku. Basic requirements First of all, let's actually set up a typical Django project for this. We would need virtualenvwrapper   for that. One could use any other particular method. I prefer this one. $ cd dev $ mkvirtualenv dch ( dch ) $ pip install django ( dch ) $ django-admin startproject djheroku ( dch ) $ cd djheroku # Make sure is working: ( dch ) $ ./ runserver From now I will consider working on a terminal with this (dch) environment on. Heroku hosting setup We would need our project set up for heroku python server. The docs live HERE , as for moment of this guide writing. One would need to follow and setup a basic heroku project. I will not stop here rewriting official guide as it is good enough. Installing celery Assuming we have a basic django dyno at heroku here we will continue. Now let's install Celery and add it to our requirements list (as we had just sta...