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Showing posts from 2015

Install Docker under Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)

Docker supports Ubuntu versions: Ubuntu Vivid 15.04 (64-bit) Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (LTS) (64-bit) Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS) (64-bit) Ubuntu Raring 13.04 and Saucy 13.10 (64 bit)  For both Vivid and Trusty you need nothing. It will work out of the box. Others will require some modifications. (Updating of some things, like kernel or installing with wget on 13.04) 1. To install docker from a repository do so: sudo apt - get update sudo apt - get install docker . io sudo ln - sf / usr / bin / docker . io / usr / local / bin / docker sudo sed - i '$acomplete -F _docker docker' / etc / bash_completion . d / docker . io 2. Now run it with: sudo apt - get install lxc - docker 3. Make it run on system boot: sudo update - rc . d docker . io defaults 4. Ready to go! Run container with an Ubuntu: sudo docker run - i - t ubuntu / bin / bash To disconnect, or detach, from the shell without exiting use the escape sequence Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q . 

Remi and EPEL repositories in CentOS

There are 2 common repositories that come nowdays for centos. They contain tasty things, while they are absent in official repositories. CentOS 5: wget http : // wget http : // sudo rpm - Uvh remi - release - 5 * . rpm epel - release - 5 * . rpm CentOS 6: wget http : // wget http : // sudo rpm - Uvh remi - release - 6 * . rpm epel - release - 6 * . rpm You can check you are successful like so: ls - 1 / etc / yum . repos . d / epel * / etc / yum . repos . d / remi . repo / etc / yum . repos . d / epel . repo / etc / yum . repos . d / epel - testing . repo / etc / yum . repos . d / remi . repo Now you are only left to activate Remi repository: sudo vi / etc / yum . repos . d / remi . repo In [remi] section we need to change enable...

Tmux quick start guide

Tmux is a handy terminal manager that allows you to switch between terminal sessions easily. Without losing history or windows upon ssh disconnects or similar. It is like screen , just better. (First of all because of using client-server based technology... ) Here is my minimal keyboard shortcuts guide that allows you to start using Tmux in a blink of an eye. Endless advanced commands and hotkey combinations you could always find by entering "man tmux" in a terminal. Tmux is installed quite easily in most of common linux based systems. Just type: Ubuntu: $ sudo apt - get install tmux CentOS: $ sudo yum install tmux This allows you to start using by starting it with $ tmux a | | tmux new This command first tries to attach to existing running tmux instance and creates new in case it is not found. Ctrl+b d - Will allow you to disconnect at any time. (This is also a way it is happening when you loose ssh session. How to connect - look earlier) Each sess...

Installing MySQL and phpMyAdmin for web development on a Mac OS X 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.6

This is a simple guide on installing a must have SQL database engine for web development. It is often used at the beginning of the journey and I did not find a good guide for it. That made me make myself one and share with others. Hope somebody would benefit from it.

[Django CMS] Adding plugins inside plugins programatically

I have a task to migrate a website. Old one is plain HTML and new one is Django CMS. I have a script that parses an HTML page from old website in to CMS page and places it into proper place. Task is to migrate all the page content (that is a CMS TextPlugin) into an interlinked pages setup. Like we have text <p>blah blah </p><a href="/page/url">Text</a><p> some other text</p> And I need to change it into CMS LinkPlugin that is nested inside of the TextPlugin. It have become a common standard in the Django CMS world now. Note we need to have a LinkPlugin because of the requirement to interlink pages. E.g. <a href="/page/url"> is a link to CMS Page object. The solution is divided into two major parts. First we need to have the link plugin added to a placeholder of the text plugin. It must also be nested by the TextPlugin, like Django CMS admin web UI would do.  So our plugin would look somehow like this in the CMS Pag...

Don't put html, head and body tags automatically into beautifulsoup content

Was making a parser recently with BeautifulSoup. Came to the final with rendering contents of the edited text. Like so: text = "<h1>Test text tag</h1>" soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "html5" ) text = soup . renderContents() print text It renders those contents with a result wrapped into the <html>, <head> and <body> tags. So print output looks like so: '<html><head></head><body><h1>Test text tag</h1></body></html>' That's a feature of the html5lib library, it fixes HTML that is lacking, such as adding back in missing required elements. The workaround is simple enough: text = soup . body . renderContents() This solution will return an inside of the <html> tag <body>. Result is: text = '<h1>Test text tag</h1>'