It often gets that you need it because you invent something that is meant to be displayed for admin. E.g. some nasty form field or something. Here is my recipe to add some additional Django static to your admin. Rather than writing a widget , that is more proper way here... I was using a widget already (from another package). So I could not use it properly, at least without a ton of overrides and complexity it leads to. SO I've decided to add the JS functionality to override a lack of backend. First of all we should add the javascript/css like so: # class MyModelAdmin (admin.ModelAdmin): # admin additions class Media : css = { "all" : ( "css/my_style.css" ,) } js = ( "js/my_script.js" ,) This add should list your files, loaded in the admin . So you can access them and see in the Django admin frontend itself. Like so: Now that your script and style are loaded you could jus...
My thoughts/recipes on Django, Python, JS and other things I try...