I have had some tasks to configure and install a CentOS distribution for my bug-tracking needs. Hope to help out someone with similar problems and or tasks. I'll be using a fresh install of a CentOS Minimal 6.5. And a Mac Book Pro with VirtualBox installed (as my testing environment). First after install of a clean CentOS you need an SSH server to work in your usual environment. So to connect to a Linux, installed in a VirtualBox you will need basically 2 things: openssh-server install disable firewall VirtualBox Port configuration/Access configuration OpenSSH server install To install server you need to run in your VirtualBox Guest system (CentOS VM): yum -y install openssh-server And start and add it to auto launch at system startup: chkconfig sshd on service sshd start Also make sure port 22 is opened in your VM. type: netstat -tulpn | grep :22 Firewall settings Because it's a VM you can simply disable the firewall. But be sure not to do this a...
My thoughts/recipes on Django, Python, JS and other things I try...