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Showing posts from November, 2013

AJAX form in Django with jQuery.form plugin

Here I will describe an example form using jQuery Form  plugin. It will provide a good frontend, while Django serving a simple backend. I made this AJAX form using unobtrusive javascript. With human language it means the form will function with JavaScript disabled. And so jQuery.form plugin will work as an AJAX speedup addition and not as a major requirement. Features: * Works both with JavaScript  and without. * Uses standard Django ideology/hooks. * Uses the most known jQuery plugin for forms AJAX handling. Theory: Main idea that Django supports both normal and AJAX request in a standard view. And has a handy request.is_ajax() request method. It returns True/False depending on if request search has HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header for the string 'XMLHttpRequest' . jQuery.form plugin sure does have that. Backend Django. We will create an app called 'contact' for our task and place it in the example django project. Urls from the project will redirect to ...

CouchDB restoring deleted/updated documents and their data

We are using CouchDB for production and happy with it. It is much more lightweight rather then MongoDB yet powerful. (For our needs at least). But sometimes you have situations that some code deleted/spoiled your Couch Database data. We had some bugs leading to deleting indexes. However compaction have not been run and here is the decision. There are several ways for different situations. I'll try to cover them all. So for deleted CouchDB documents you need to: 1. Make sure your document with this id is Deleted. To do it you need to request CouchDB for this document. E.g. with this string: $db/$id Where  $db  is your CouchDB database name and  $id  is your deleted document id it should return something like this: { "error" : "not_found" , "reason" : "deleted" } 2. Get all the revisions of the deleted document. With this request: $db/$id?revs= true &open_revs=all Where $db is your CouchDB database name and $id is ...

OS X Mavericks and Last.FM scrobling of iTunes radio

I have used iTunes radio dramatically after installing a new version of iTunes. But the problem is my musical taste is recorded (Historically) at Last.FM profile. So It is something like combining your Last.FM profile with your iTunes Geniuos data. AFAIK iTunes uses it's data to play songs in a given station. After trying several decisions I have found a nice one that simply works. You need an app called Bowtie . It's built for older OS X'es. But works nicely for this purpose. It has a themed desktop applet. So it's something like a nice bonus. Anyway you can connect it with Last.FM and that's it. Just one thing it sits in your memory. But I have found it does not consume too much resources or has obvious flaws that spoil Mac anyway. One trick to install it you need to enable it install your system. It is not from apple store so... as per stackoverflow question it can be done like so: Go to  System Preferences... > Security & Privacy  and ther...