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Showing posts from June, 2013

Django: How to debug Django

There are several ways of debugging Django. I'll try to cover most common and tell what I know/use time to time. This article may become useful to Django newbies and is not intended to be "the only truth". It may help you know in general about debugging techniques commonly used in Python/Django projects that author is aware of. Let's get started. There are several methods to discuss here. 1. Print out into console. It may become handy while working with critical bugs that only appear in production for e.g. and are not traceable at development environment... The only way here to run your project manually and do debug in production. Those requirements are so rare that I only use standart (builtin) tools. There is a thing called PDB (Python Debugger). That comes in a standart set of usual python distribution. So it will be available to you at almost any environment where you have console access to your project. Here is an official documentation for pdb module ....

JavaScript: validate date field in form

You may often require serialization of a form in JS and parsing of it's data. Here is a nice recipe to validate date with browser default methods. I like it because of relative simplicity. It works on a principle of parsing date's components. We will create a JavaScript Date object from it and check if it is the same as a parsed date string. Date components that are wrong will go out of rage. SO we will have them different from the existing strings. This method is based on that hack. I use this only to validate the string itself. I am specifying a placeholder of an input field to minimise user possibility to make a mistake. And I usually force user to enter date in my format with this tool. Anyway it's a good idea to put any datepicker component also. function validate_date ( value ) { /**********************************************     * Validating date in format dd/mm/yyyy     ************************************...

Meteor: Run/Bind JavaScript after rendering a template elements

Being studying Meteor myself I'd like to help beginners like me. I have searched for certain decisions that became wired to me after python development. So I'll just leave them here for your consideration. Imagine a situation when you need to bind your plugins to a newly rendered template. If you are diving into asynchronous JS dev, like I did and have developed AJAX websites... You will, one word, be quite confused because main concepts are different from the one's you used to know. Anyhow I'd try to explain on this simple task. Assume we have a template: < template name = "site-part" > < p > {{my-text}} </ p > </ template > And I render it's content like so: Template . site - part . content = function ( ) { return Session . get ( " my_data " ) ; } So I have this template piece rendered when "my_data" variable appears in session. And I have events binded to newly rendered webpage:...

Meteor. Request to host is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

As a novice I'd like to describe a situation when you may need to make calls to a different domain. In my case it was a requirement to access external API. Anyway I'd like to describe here my perspective of usage this in meteor. You would need to get those data and parse them. First thought is to use client. Wrong. You would need to add CORS support to your application. It means you need to have header  Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * added to all of your response objects. This will enable Meteor usage of external domain responses. And requires you to hack Meteor code. But there is more "proper" way to work with server. Code on a server is executed synchronously and so you can be sure it will be executed and result returned. So. First we need to make sure we have a Meteor.http package installed. You can install it by executing "meteor add http" in your project root directory. Meteor.http can work in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. It is d...