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Showing posts from June, 2012

Twitter official client for Mac problem "Unauthorized" solving.

I had a problem "Unauthorized" in official twitter client for Mac. Tried several instal/reinstall. Deleted/Downloaded again from Apple App Store. It all didn't help. They seem to change something in authentication. So I've tried deleting all the config files in ~/Library/ Main solution that helped me: 1. Switch off the client. (be sure to Close an app) 2. Delete: ~/Library/Preferences/com.twitter.twitter-mac.plist.lockfile ~/Library/Preferences/com.twitter.twitter-mac.plist 3. Launch Twitter app and login from scratch. I have revoked access this twitter client too in my  but it seem to make no effect. Making similar actions to TweetDeck for Mac does not help. So it seems like problem is somewhere deeper. Hope it will help you solve similar issue.

Users, Groups and their Permissions in Django + Recipes

Django supports security models and methods out of the box. They are Group and Permission objects. Permission is m2m related to internal Django User. I helps you relay on request.user later in your code. You often come to situations where you may need a view to be accessed only by certain group of users.  For example you have the app that has two groups of users. One can search and another one can Index files. Simplest approach is to use Groups here.  In fact you may use permissions in case your app will have several unique users that might do some stuff. In general best approach is to use Group to specify type of users and Permission to specify the role of users in this group. So if you will have Group called 'search' and it will have permission with name, say 'search stuff'. So when you will call: def my_view (request): # ... my view actions ... user_permissions = request.user.user_permissions.all() for p in user...

Pretty git Log

SO you dislike git log output in console like me and do not use it... Because it looks like so: How about this one? It's quite easy... Just type: git log - - graph - - pretty = format : '%Cred%h%Creset -%C ( yellow ) %d%Creset %s %Cgreen ( %cr) %C ( bold blue ) <%an>%Creset' - - abbrev - commit - - It may be hard to enter such an easy command every time. Let's make an alias instead... Copypaste this to your terminal: git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --" And use simple command to see this pretty log instead: git lg Now in case you want to see lines that changed use: git lg - p In order for this command to work remove  the -- from the end of the alias. May the code be with you! NOTE: this article is a rewritten copy of   and have b...

Python sort() patterns

Python has a lot of sorting patterns. Let's make a short a list. 1. Sorting list by it's element. Simple case. Should simply do: > > > exmpl_list = [ 'a' , 'c' , 'B' , 'd' ] > > > exmpl_list . sort ( ) [ 'a' , 'B' , 'c' , 'd' ] However this example does not take locale into account and works only for ASCII characters. 2. Sorting list of sub elements. exmpl_list = [ { 'name' : 'Homer' , 'age' : 39 } , { 'name' : 'Bart' , 'age' : 10 } ] # Sorting by 'name' newlist = sorted ( exmpl_list , key = lambda k : k [ 'name' ] ) # Better way to use itemgetter(): from operator import itemgetter newlist = sorted ( exmpl_list , key = itemgetter ( 'name' ) ) Note that it is equivalent to: exmpl_list . sort ( key = lambda k : k [ 'name' ] ) # OR: exmpl_list . sort ( key = ite...

Python super() method and class inheritance

There is one more useful method in python. super()     It helps to handle inheritance of ancestor class. This sounds a bit of messy. So I'll try to explain. You have class A that does some useful things. And you have to use this class A everywhere in your application with adding some piece of functionality. You may inherit this class B(A) and expand it's functionality. Now you can use class B in stead of class A everywhere and get rid of redundant operations. # Main class (parent) class A ( object ) : def __init__ ( self ) : print ( u'class A constructor' ) # Main class ancestor (inheriting main class) class B ( A ) : def __init__ ( self ) : print ( u'class B constructor' ) super ( B , self ) . __init__ ( )     For live example:     NOTE! Code is theoretical for you because it is taken from live project. I'm using many own written methods here. Neither document  not it's methods are not dja...