Hi! Many people use Virtualenv. It has become common pattern now days. I like Virtualenv but it has no debugger. You can run ' python manage.py runserver ' but it will newer help you see somthing like runtime variables and code flow. I like PyDev debugger. It helps me a lot. Anyway I faced a problem recently. My employer wants me to run code at virtualenv. I needed to download and run project. I made it creating New virtualenv called 'venv' inside a project folder. Command is: virtualenv - - no - site - packages venv It will create dir 'venv' inside current directory. So you should be at where you need to store your virtualenv (your project directory for e.g.). --no-site-packeges parameter says that your new virtual environment will not have packages installed in system. It's a must if you want to avoid collisions with newer versions of code. Now we have a dir inside your project called venv containing our separated python environment. Lets activ...
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