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Showing posts from April, 2011


I wrote some project Gphblog for my learning programming purposes. I'll be glad if you'll find something interesting in it or contribute to it... Project github is: Please do not judge me too quickly. It really is my first project. I used Django and jQuery for making it work with AJAX. Hope soon it will be on production, so I could show you how does it work in real life... So far look at this project screenshots:  

Hello World!

Hi! I'm a junior web developer/programmer studying Python/JavaScript programming. In this blog I'll try to publish my findings and things I achieved or studied so far. So I'm working with: - Python - Django - JavaScript - jQuery My Github is:     garmoncheg I'm making an OpenSource project Gphblog (Garmoncheg's Photo Blog) there. Feel free to contact me about any topic listed here...