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Install bcrypt on Mac OSX

 Basically One can do it wih homebrew. About the App App name : bcrypt App description : Cross platform file encryption utility using blowfish App website : Install the homebrew package manager Open  Terminal  and press  enter/return  key. Copy and paste the following command in Terminal app: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" and press  enter/return  key. Wait for the command to finish. If you are prompted to enter a password, please type your Mac user's login password and press ENTER. Mind you, as you type your password, it won't be visible on your Terminal (for security reasons), but rest assured it will work. Now, copy/paste and run this command to make  brew  command available inside the Terminal:  echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile Install the bcrypt lib Copy and paste the following command: brew install bcrypt Done! Y
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Writing nice prompts for stable diffusion and like neural networks

Request: new york city, synthwave, cinematic, dramatic, composition, sunny sky, brutalist, hyper realistic, epic scale, sense of awe, hypermaximalist, insane level of details, artstation HQ Playing with neural models is really fun. Let's try to make our best at writing good requests. That's the key! So thst's how: Diffusion prompts are statements or questions that are designed to help individuals think more deeply about a topic or concept and draw their own conclusions. They are often used in discussions or debates to encourage critical thinking and encourage participants to consider different perspectives. Here are some tips for writing good, stable diffusion prompts: Make sure the prompt is clear and concise: Avoid using jargon or complex language that may be confusing to readers. Keep the prompt brief and to the point, so that it is easy for readers to understand and respond to. Focus on a specific topic or concept: Choose a specific topic or concept to focus on, and m

Running tasks with Celery on Heroku guide

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SQLAlchemy (Flask) count model instances by unique values

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PostgreSQL DB with pgAdmin4 access through SSH tunnel

Despite using console most of the time I have a preference to edit PostgreSQL databases through UI. Especially when it comes to remote side. Usually one can access this through  $ psql  command. However this tends to writing raw SQL queries and a lot of typing in overall. Here is a way to do it with UI. First one needs to make a tunnel.Command is fairly simple: ssh - fNg - L 5555 : localhost : 5432 { username } @ { host . com } One has a tunnel afterwards. This command opens a SSH connection in the background mapping your local port 5555 to your server’s port 5432 (Postgres’ default port). To understand one can observe the meaning of the flags via  $ man ssh  to see what each of these flags doing.  It can be accessed via localhost tools like pgAdmin4 at localhost and port 5555 DB config would look like so:

Run Flask with Debug in PyCharm

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Promise -fication of JS calls.

Found a new pattern to use recently that is called Promise. I really like the way ES6/7 brings new thinking patterns into life nowdays. Here is Promise used instead of old pattern. It was to give JS method a callback function. This splitting code and making a lot of possibilities for error to come out in this place. One would write old times according to MDN : function greeting ( name ) { alert ( 'Hello ' + name ); } function processUserInput ( callback ) { var name = prompt ( 'Please enter your name.' ); callback ( name ); } processUserInput ( greeting ); And now it is made with Promise pattern like so: let promise = new Promise (( resolve , reject ) => { resolve ( prompt ( 'Please enter your name.' )); }); promise . then (( name ) => { alert ( 'Hello ' + name ); }); In general and briefly this now helps to avoid 'callback hell' with functions passed as arguments and write as