Writing nice prompts for stable diffusion and like neural networks

new york city, synthwave, cinematic, dramatic, composition, sunny sky, brutalist, hyper realistic, epic scale, sense of awe, hypermaximalist, insane level of details, artstation HQ

Playing with neural models is really fun. Let's try to make our best at writing good requests. That's the key! So thst's how:

Diffusion prompts are statements or questions that are designed to help individuals think more deeply about a topic or concept and draw their own conclusions. They are often used in discussions or debates to encourage critical thinking and encourage participants to consider different perspectives.

Here are some tips for writing good, stable diffusion prompts:

  1. Make sure the prompt is clear and concise: Avoid using jargon or complex language that may be confusing to readers. Keep the prompt brief and to the point, so that it is easy for readers to understand and respond to.

  2. Focus on a specific topic or concept: Choose a specific topic or concept to focus on, and make sure the prompt is directly related to this topic. This will help readers stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by unrelated issues.

  3. Encourage critical thinking: The goal of a diffusion prompt is to encourage critical thinking and encourage participants to consider different perspectives. Use questions or statements that challenge readers to think more deeply about the topic and consider alternative viewpoints.

  4. Avoid leading questions: Avoid using questions that are biased or leading, as these can influence the reader's response and skew the results of the discussion. Instead, use neutral, unbiased language to encourage honest and objective responses.

  5. Make sure the prompt is relevant: The prompt should be relevant to the topic being discussed and should be of interest to the reader. If the prompt is not engaging or relevant, it may be difficult to get a meaningful response.

Ths's it...

Request: new york city, dust storm, cinematic, dramatic, composition, sunny sky, brutalist, hyper realistic, epic scale, sense of awe, hypermaximalist, insane level of details, artstation HQ


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