OS X Mavericks and Last.FM scrobling of iTunes radio

I have used iTunes radio dramatically after installing a new version of iTunes. But the problem is my musical taste is recorded (Historically) at Last.FM profile. So It is something like combining your Last.FM profile with your iTunes Geniuos data. AFAIK iTunes uses it's data to play songs in a given station. After trying several decisions I have found a nice one that simply works.

You need an app called Bowtie. It's built for older OS X'es. But works nicely for this purpose. It has a themed desktop applet. So it's something like a nice bonus. Anyway you can connect it with Last.FM and that's it. Just one thing it sits in your memory. But I have found it does not consume too much resources or has obvious flaws that spoil Mac anyway.
One trick to install it you need to enable it install your system. It is not from apple store so...
as per stackoverflow question it can be done like so:

Go to System Preferences... > Security & Privacy and there should be a button saying Open Anyway, under the General tab.
Original answer at stackoverflow.com

So that's basically it. Enjoy.


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